Online FW

Inference FW [1] estimates directly topic proportions \(\theta\) for a document by maximum a posteriori (MAP)

Given document d and model {\(\beta\), \(\alpha\)}

\[\theta^* = argmax_{\theta \in \Delta_K} P(\theta, d | \beta, \alpha)\]

where \(\theta\) is a vector K-dimention (K is number of topics) and \(\theta \in \Delta_K\), it means:

\[\begin{split}\left\{\begin{array}\quad \quad \theta_k > 0, \quad k = 1, ..., K \\ \theta_1 + \theta_2 + ... + \theta_K = 1 \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]

With some assumptions, we can convert the MAP problem above to the concave maximazation over simplex. And here, the Frank-Wolfe algorithm [2] is applied

After finding out \(\theta\) for each document, we update the global parameter (\(\lambda\)) by online scheme

class OnlineFW

tmlib.lda.OnlineFW(data=None, num_topics=100, eta=0.01, tau0=1.0, kappa=0.9, iter_infer=50, lda_model=None)


  • data: object DataSet

    object used for loading mini-batches data to analyze

  • num_topics: int, default: 100

    number of topics of model.

  • eta (\(\eta\)): float, default: 0.01

    hyperparameter of model LDA that affect sparsity of topics \(\beta\)

  • tau0 (\(\tau_{0}\)): float, default: 1.0

    In the update \(\lambda\) step, a parameter used is step-size \(\rho\) (it is similar to the learning rate in gradient descent optimization). The step-size changes after each training iteration t

    \[\rho_t = (t + \tau_0)^{-\kappa}\]

    And in this, the delay tau0 (\(\tau_{0}\)) >= 0 down-weights early iterations

  • kappa (\(\kappa\)): float, default: 0.9

    kappa (\(\kappa\)) \(\in\) (0.5, 1] is the forgetting rate which controls how quickly old information is forgotten

  • iter_infer: int, default: 50.

    Number of iterations of FW algorithm to do inference step

  • lda_model: object of class LdaModel.

    If this is None value, a new object LdaModel will be created. If not, it will be the model learned previously


  • num_docs: int,

    Number of documents in the corpus.

  • num_terms: int,

    size of the vocabulary set of the training corpus

  • num_topics: int,

  • eta (\(\eta\)): float,

  • tau0 (\(\tau_{0}\)): float,

  • kappa (\(\kappa\)): float,

  • INF_MAX_ITER: int,

    Number of iterations of FW algorithm to do inference step

  • lda_model: object of class LdaModel


  • __init__ (data=None, num_topics=100, alpha=0.01, eta=0.01, tau0=1.0, kappa=0.9, iter_infer=50, lda_model=None)

  • static_online (wordids, wordcts)

    First does an E step on the mini-batch given in wordids and wordcts, then uses the result of that E step to update the topics in M step.


    • wordids: A list whose each element is an array (terms), corresponding to a document. Each element of the array is index of a unique term, which appears in the document, in the vocabulary.
    • wordcts: A list whose each element is an array (frequency), corresponding to a document. Each element of the array says how many time the corresponding term in wordids appears in the document.

    Return: tuple (time of E-step, time of M-step, theta): time the E and M steps have taken and the list of topic mixtures of all documents in the mini-batch.

  • e_step (wordids, wordcts)

    Does e step

    Note that, FW can provides sparse solution (theta:topic mixture) when doing inference for each documents. It means that the theta have few non-zero elements whose indexes are stored in list of lists ‘index’.

    Return: tuple (theta, index): topic mixtures and their nonzero elements’ indexes of all documents in the mini-batch.

  • m_step (wordids, wordcts, theta, index)

    Does M-step

  • learn_model (save_model_every=0, compute_sparsity_every=0, save_statistic=False, save_top_words_every=0, num_top_words=10, model_folder=None, save_topic_proportions=None)

    This used for learning model and to save model, statistics of model.


    • save_model_every: int, default: 0. If it is set to 2, it means at iterators: 0, 2, 4, 6, …, model will is save into a file. If setting default, model won’t be saved.
    • compute_sparsity_every: int, default: 0. Compute sparsity and store in attribute statistics. The word “every” here means as same as save_model_every
    • save_statistic: boolean, default: False. Saving statistics or not. The statistics here is the time of E-step, time of M-step, sparsity of document in corpus
    • save_top_words_every: int, default: 0. Used for saving top words of topics (highest probability). Number words displayed is num_top_words parameter.
    • num_top_words: int, default: 20. By default, the number of words displayed is 10.
    • model_folder: string, default: None. The place which model file, statistics file are saved.
    • save_topic_proportions: string, default: None. This used to save topic proportions \(\theta\) of each document in training corpus. The value of it is path of file .h5

    Return: the learned model (object of class LdaModel)

  • infer_new_docs (new_corpus)

    This used to do inference for new documents. new_corpus is object Corpus. This method return topic proportions \(\theta\) for each document in new corpus


from tmlib.lda import OnlineFW
from tmlib.datasets import DataSet

# data preparation
data = DataSet(data_path='data/ap_train_raw.txt', batch_size=100, passes=5, shuffle_every=2)
# learning and save the model, statistics in folder 'models-online-fw'
onl_fw = OnlineFW(data=data, num_topics=20)
model = onl_fw.learn_model(save_model_every=1, compute_sparsity_every=1, save_statistic=True, save_top_words_every=1, num_top_words=10, model_folder='models-online-fw')

# inference for new documents
vocab_file = data.vocab_file
# create object ``Corpus`` to store new documents
new_corpus = data.load_new_documents('data/ap_infer_raw.txt', vocab_file=vocab_file)
theta = onl_fw.infer_new_docs(new_corpus)
[1]Khoat Than, Tu Bao Ho, “Inference in topic models: sparsity and trade-off”. [Online]. Available:
    1. Clarkson, “Coresets, sparse greedy approximation, and the frank-wolfe algorithm,” ACM Trans. Algorithms, vol. 6, pp. 63:1–63:30, 2010. [Online]. Available: