
Topic modeling is an unsupervised machine learning method that learns the underlying themes in a large collection of otherwise unorganized documents. This discovered structure summarizes and organizes the documents. However, topic models are high-level statistical tools—a user must scrutinize numerical distributions to understand and explore their results. So, we implemented a module visualization to reveal meaningful patterns in a collection, and helping end-users explore and understand its contents in new ways

You can read more detail about the methodology in [1]

To use this module, make sure that the packages pandas, Tkinter are installed in your system

tmlib.visualization.visualize(model, database_path, data_path, vocab_file)

This function will visualize the topics, some documents in a GUI App. And this function takes 4 arguments :

  • model: string or object class LdaModel

    This argument can take 2 values: string if it’s a path of file and object of class LdaModel you get after learning phase. If it is a path of file, this file is a file saving object LdaModel

  • database_path: string,

    This argument is path of file which stores topic proportions (\(\theta\)) of documents. You need to save topic proportions in learning phase. Note: this file should be a file .h5 and it is a database not only stores topic proportion but also stores content of documents

  • data_path: string,

    Path of file training data (corpus), you need the content of documents to visualize it

  • vocab_file: string,

    File vocabulary of training corpus


We’ll demo with AP corpus. First, you need to learn model from this corpus using Online-OPE. Because you have to save topic proportions - this takes a long time. So, we need a fast learning algorithm

from tmlib.lda import OnlineOPE
from tmlib.datasets import DataSet

data = DataSet(data_path='data/ap_train_raw.txt', batch_size=100, passes=5, shuffle_every=2)
onl_ope = OnlineOPE(data=data, num_topics=20, alpha=0.2)
# learn model and save topic proportions in file database 'database.h5'
model = streaming_ope.learn_model(save_topic_proportions='database.h5')
# save object model into file 'object_model.h5''object_model.h5')

After learning, file vocabulary extracted will be saved into ~/tmlib_data/ap_train_raw/vocab.txt (you can see by run print data.vocab_file). Now, we can visualize the result

import os
from tmlib.visualization import visualize

# get the vocabulary file
vocab_file = os.path.expanduser('~/tmlib_data/ap_train_raw/vocab.txt')
visualize('object_model.h5', 'database.h5', 'ap_train_raw.txt', vocab_file)

And this is the result you achieve


After you click on topic {years, people, years}


Click on the document with short content ‘Do all things get cheaper by dozen_even…’

[1]Visualizing Topic Models. Allison J.B. Chaney and David M. Blei. Department of Computer Science. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA.